Women Health Problems Silent Killer Diseases That Affect Women

Silent Killer Diseases In Women: Most of the diseases are such that they go on increasing in a person’s body and they do not even get a clue about it. Not only in men but also in women many dangerous diseases come secretly. By the time these are detected, it is either too late or impossible to treat. Many diseases are ‘silent killers’ in women too. These diseases go on increasing in the body, but their symptoms are not visible quickly and even if they do appear, they are often ignored considering it to be a common problem.

Due to today’s bad food and lifestyle, most of the people are facing some or the other disease. Let us know which diseases are ‘silent killers’ in women.


Anemia is a common problem, which is seen mostly in adolescent girls. Because they mostly eat such food items, which do not provide proper nutrition to the body. Food rich in iron, vitamin C and folate should be consumed to avoid anemia. Iron-rich foods include beans, green leafy vegetables, poultry, organ meats and dried fruits. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, papaya, spinach and capsicum. While folate is present in whole grains, eggs, peanuts, green leaves and seeds.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or polycystic ovary disease (PCOD)

This disease is usually detected when a woman is trying to get pregnant. This is a hormonal imbalance, which affects metabolic health. Its common side effects include obesity and insulin resistance. In this disease, there is a need to avoid refined carbs, food rich in sugar and processed food. Whole grains and legumes help a lot in insulin resistance.


Menopause is a significant hormonal change that occurs in all women. In this, the female hormone i.e. estrogen decreases. Its protective activity against heart disease also decreases. This time calls for increasing awareness about non-communicable diseases.

heart disease

With menopause there is an increase in lipids and changes in the walls of blood vessels. Because of this, the risk of heart disease increases. Whole grains, legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and healthy fats should be consumed to prevent heart-related diseases. With 30 to 40 minutes of exercise, low-saturated fat, low-trans fat and high fiber food should be eaten. This can go a long way in preventing heart disease.

bone health

Bone health in women ie bone health starts deteriorating in the 30s. To maintain the strength of bones, it is necessary to exercise along with adequate intake of calcium. Dairy products are considered the best source of calcium, such as milk, curd or paneer etc. You can also choose vegan soy milk. They provide protein and phosphorus to the body, which help in building bones.

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